Guidelines for Reopening to Visitors at River’s Edge

Effective March 3, 2021
Guidelines for Reopening to Visitors at River’s Edge
We are extremely excited to be able to begin having Visitation here at River’s Edge. We know that the past 12 months have been difficult to say the least. Visitation is so important for the wellbeing of our Residents, their Loved Ones, and Our Staff and it has been difficult to go back and forth between lockdown and limited visitation. Our hope and prayer is that we will not have to revert back into a lockdown situation. The biggest deterrent to avoiding that is to strictly adhere to our visitation parameters. Please, Please, Please if Everyone Does Their Part and follows the parameters, we will have our best shot at Staying Open to Visitation!
As long as Gem County continues to be in either the Yellow or Green category and we do not get any new Positive Cases with Residents or Staff we will be able to remain open to visitation.
Our primary goal continues to be the health and wellbeing of our Residents, our Staff, and our Visitors. With that in mind, we will be asking all visitors to adhere to the following parameters regarding visitation, until further notice (live the Big 4):
- Check in at the front door where you will be asked the screening questions on the attached visitor log, your temperature will be taken, and you will be provided with a clean mask to wear while in the facility (you can bring your own mask if you prefer). We have a variety of cloth masks available for your use or disposable ear loop surgical masks. You will also be provided with hand sanitizer to clean your hands prior to entering the facility. If you would prefer, you may wash your hands in our visitor restroom instead of using the hand sanitizer. Please be patient during your visit as we anticipate several visits early on which will require time to check everyone in and get them situated.
- Your loved one will also be asked to wear a cloth mask and to perform hand washing/sanitation at the beginning and end of the visit.
- Observe Social Distancing guidelines while visiting (6 feet apart).
- Any Children that visit must be able to understand and comply with Masking, Social Distancing, and Hand Hygiene—with that in mind, we strongly recommend that any visiting Children be at least 12 years of age.
- Please contact us at least 1 day in advance to schedule your visit. This will allow us to be prepared for your visit and allow our Staff to remain focused on caring for our Residents. To schedule a visit please contact either Mike, Sydney, Mary, or Tracy here at the facility 208.365.4425 (also, Emails & Cell numbers are attached as well as posted on the front door).
- Recommended Visiting Times will be 10 AM—5:30 PM Monday thru Friday and 2PM—5:30PM on Saturday and Sunday.
- We humbly request that you try your best to avoid visiting during meal times: 7:30—8:30 AM, 12:30—1:30 PM, & 5:30—6:30 PM.
- If your Loved One is in a shared room, in order to observe social distancing guidelines, we can arrange for your visit to take place in one of the following locations: Private Dining Room, Rose Garden Room, Butte View Dining Room, Main Dining Room, Conference Room, or the Courtyard.
- Check out at the front door when you leave so that we can provide you with post visit instructions (attached), you can place your cloth mask in the dirty laundry bin, perform hand sanitation, and we will then go and perform Infection Control Cleaning in the area in which you visited.
Four key principles have directly led to success in slowing the spread of COVID-19, they are
The Big 4:
1. Good & Frequent Hand Hygiene
2. Properly Wearing Masks
3. Don’t Touch Your Face
4. Practice Social Distancing